Posts Tagged " Propane "
เคมีจากชีวภาพ_ดูปองท์ เทท แอนด์ ไลย์ล ไบโอโพรดักส์ ให้ เบร็นแท็กซ์ อินเดีย เป็นผู้จำหน่าย Bio-propanediol ในอินเดีย _Dupont Tate & Lyle Bio Products appoints Brenntag India to distribute Bio-propanediol
11 พฤษภาคม 2555 ข้อมูลการแต่งตั้งผู้แทนจำหน่าย Bio-propanediol บริษัทผู้ผลิตสินค้า Dupont Tate...
Skyline Innovations_Latest solar thermal installation will include biobased fluid made with 1,3-propanediol from DuPont Tate & Lyle Bio Products
31 January 2014 Details DuPont Tate & Lyle Bio Products collaborated with Skyline Innovations, Inc. to lau...
Biopropane_Neste Oil biopropane from Rotterdam refienery will be sold to SHV Energy in several European countries to replace existing fossil fuels
16 October 2014 ABOUT NESTE OIL ABOUT SHV ENERGY DETAILS Neste Oil's Rotterdam refinery primarily prod...
On-purpose propylene production technologies_Zhejiang Shaoxing Sanjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd. became the second company in China to commission a UOP C3 Oleflex process unit to produce propylene from propane_by chemwinfo
29 January 2015 ABOUT UOP ABOUT ON-PURPOSE PROPYLENE Traditionally, propylene is a byproduct of certain refini...
Honeywell opens new China manufacturing site producing catalysts for dehydrogenation technology_converting propane to propylene_ to meet growing domestic and global demand for key plastics building block used In Petrochemical Production_by chemwinfo
28 April 2015 ABOUT HONEYWELL ABOUT UOP READ MORE On purpose propylene from propane DETAILS Honey...
Dow announces Start-Up of new Texas Propylene Production Facility_its new world-scale propane dehydrogenation unit (PDH)_with 750 KT per annum capacity by chemwinfo
18 December 2015 ABOUT THE DOW CHEMICAL DETAILS The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW) today announced its ...
Dow new world-scale propane dehydrogenation unit (PDH), located at the Companys Oyster Creek site in Freeport, Texas_completes performance test_by chemwinfo
7 March 2016 ABOUT DOW CHEMICAL DETAILS The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW) today announced that its n...
INEOS Europe AG and Rex Energy announce a new agreement for the purchase of natural gas liquids covering ethane, propane and butane from the Appalachian shale gas basin for Europe_by chemwinfo
Borealis to study feasibility of a new, world-scale propane dehydrogenation PDH plant in Belgium_by chemwinfo
22 September 2016 ABOUT BOREALIS DETAILS Borealis will study the feasibility of a new, world-scale propan...
Chinas Largest Propane Dehydrogenation Unit Using Honeywell UOP Technology_Wanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd. produces 750,000 metric tons of propylene annually for use in plastics, packaging and synthetic fibers_by chemwinfo
3 May 2017 ABOUT HONEYWELL UOP ABOUT WANHUA CHEMICAL DETAILS Honeywell announced today the succes...